
Rückkehr der Kashmiri Pandits: Ashok Bhan fordert Wiederherstellung des Status von Jammu und Kashmir

Ashok Bhan, a prominent leader representing the Pandit community, has emphasized the need for Jammu and Kashmir to regain its statehood status. He argues that reducing the region to a Union Territory has negatively impacted the political awareness and consciousness of the people in Kashmir. Bhan has called upon the Government of India to take steps to restore the statehood status of Jammu & Kashmir, highlighting the importance of addressing historical wounds and promoting reconciliation.

In addition to advocating for the restoration of statehood, Ashok Bhan has proposed the establishment of a truth, peace, and reconciliation commission as suggested by the Supreme Court of India. He believes that such a commission would play a crucial role in healing past divisions and providing closure to the ongoing cycle of violence in the region.

Bhan also stresses the significance of promoting societal consensus in Kashmir, particularly concerning the return of displaced Kashmiri Pandits. He notes that there is widespread support among various segments of society for the Gharwapsi of Kashmiri Pandits, emphasizing the need for their integration back into their homeland. Bhan highlights instances of solidarity and camaraderie between different communities, such as the warm reception of Kashmiri Pandits during Mela Kheer Bhawani, as a testament to the potential for peaceful coexistence.

Moreover, Ashok Bhan has engaged in dialogue with a diverse array of mainstream and non-mainstream leaders in Jammu and Kashmir, including figures like Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, among others. He has also stressed the importance of responsible media reporting to prevent the escalation of tensions in the region. Additionally, Bhan has called for the timely conduct of assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir in line with the deadline set by the Supreme Court, underscoring the need for democratic processes to be upheld in the region.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 9
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 148
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 71

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