
Mark Zuckerberg: Vermögen verdreifacht – Platz vier in Sicht!

Mark Zuckerberg hat in nur 1,5 Jahren sein Vermögen von 40 Milliarden Euro auf unglaubliche 175 Milliarden Euro verdreifacht und sich damit in der Reichen-Liste wieder ganz oben eingereiht, dank des spektakulären Kursanstiegs seiner Meta-Aktien und einer vielversprechenden Zukunftsvision fürs Metaverse!

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has seen a phenomenal rise in his wealth, tripling his fortune over the past 18 months, according to the latest billionaire rankings from Forbes. His net worth skyrocketed from approximately 40 billion euros in January of last year to a staggering 175 billion euros today. This impressive leap places Zuckerberg behind only four other billionaires: Tesla’s Elon Musk (around 242 billion euros), Oracle’s Larry Ellison (185 billion euros), Amazon’s Jeff Bezos (184 billion euros), and LVMH’s Bernard Arnault (179 billion euros). Notably, while Zuckerberg started last year at a distant 28th place, Bloomberg now ranks him at fourth.

This financial boom is largely attributed to the impressive performance of Meta’s stock, which has seen a staggering increase of over 300%. After a rocky start following Zuckerberg’s ambitious pivot to the Metaverse, shares surged from 120 euros to over 500 euros. As Zuckerberg holds significant shares in the company, this growth directly impacts his wealth. Additionally, he recently introduced a prototype of innovative smart glasses that could potentially replace smartphones in navigating urban environments or sending quick messages, further enhancing investor confidence in his vision for the future. For more on this development, see the detailed report here.


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