
BRICS ATTACKIERT! US-Dollar-Kaufkraft stürzt 2024 auf 0% ab?

Wird der US-Dollar bald wertlos? BRICS-Allianz und Hyperinflation bedrohen den letzten Rest der Kaufkraft: Nur noch 3% übrig – bis 2025 könnte es null sein!

BRICS: Purchasing Power of the US Dollar Could Fall From 3% to Zero

The US dollar’s waning purchasing power has raised alarms, especially as inflation continues its upward march. Lynette Zang, CEO of Zang Enterprises, pointed out that the dollar’s purchasing power is on a sharp decline. In fact, only 3% of its original value remains in 2024, according to the Federal Reserve data. „This is what the official government data will tell us,“ Zang remarked. This situation opens the door wider for the BRICS alliance to challenge the US dollar’s dominance as the global reserve currency. A deeper dive into this issue is available on watcher.guru.

Zang believes that the dollar’s purchasing power might plummet to zero by next year in 2025. „I believe with all my heart and everything that I know that we’ve already begun the transition to hyperinflation,“ she told Kitco News. This grim outlook could give BRICS the upper hand, allowing them to push their local currencies for global trade. Alongside this, the US will have to contend with the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Out of 134 countries testing these digital currencies, 66 are already in the advanced phase. By 2027, these CBDCs could be fully operational and pose a significant challenge to the dollar, creating a whole new economic landscape. A detailed analysis can be read on watcher.guru.


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