
Bricht Türkei mit NATO? Erdogan will BRICS-Beitritt vorantreiben!

Rechtsruck in der Geopolitik? Türkei plant NATO-Austritt und BRICS-Beitritt – Entscheidung möglicherweise schon 2024!

BRICS: Will Turkey Leave NATO for the Alliance in 2024?

Turkey is shaking up the global scene with its interest in joining BRICS, sparking chatter about whether it might ditch NATO for the alliance this year. This conversation is heating up just as the 2024 Summit looms. Back in 2023, BRICS expanded for the first time in over twenty years, inviting the UAE, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia into the fold. Now, everyone’s eyes are on Turkey, which would be the first NATO member to seek BRICS membership.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently weighed in, saying that while Turkey treasures its NATO ties, it also values its deep-rooted connections with Arab nations. Erdogan made it clear that being a part of BRICS doesn’t mean turning its back on NATO, calling BRICS and ASEAN platforms for economic cooperation rather than military alliances. He emphasized that Turkey’s involvement in these groups isn’t about picking sides. Instead, it’s about leveraging economic opportunities without severing long-standing military alliances. For more details, check out the full report on watcher.guru.

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