
Boeing unter neuer Untersuchung: Mängel bei 787 Dreamliner entdeckt

Geheime Enthüllungen bei Boeing: Was steckt hinter den neuen Ermittlungen am 787 „Dreamliner“?

Boeing, a prominent aircraft manufacturer, is under scrutiny by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for potential quality control issues concerning the 787 „Dreamliner“ long-range model. The FAA revealed that Boeing had notified the agency about possible lack of inspections on some aircraft’s connection points between the fuselage and wings.

The FAA is now investigating whether the required inspections were conducted and if Boeing employees may have falsified inspection records. The company is conducting thorough checks on all 787 aircraft on the production lines and developing a plan for those already in operation.

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In response to these investigations, Boeing emphasized that there is no urgent safety issue affecting the current airline fleet, and there is no need to ground any airplanes. The alert to the FAA originated from a Boeing employee who observed a violation of inspection procedures and promptly informed management, as stated by Scott Stocker, the 787 program chief, in an internal email to the staff.

Amidst these developments, Boeing’s quality control processes have come under heightened scrutiny following a significant incident in early January. A nearly new Boeing 737-9 Max of Alaska Airlines experienced a rupture in the fuselage near row 26 shortly after takeoff. Fortunately, the over 170 passengers onboard mostly escaped unscathed, with two seats near the breach miraculously vacant and the aircraft flying at a relatively low altitude.

Recent attention has also focused on the 787 program during a Senate hearing, where a Boeing employee acting as a whistleblower raised concerns about the allowed tolerances between fuselage parts in many aircraft of this model. These tolerances could potentially reduce the lifespan of the planes. Boeing has vehemently denied these allegations during the hearing.

As investigations continue into Boeing’s quality control practices, the aviation industry and regulators closely monitor developments to ensure the safety and reliability of aircraft produced by the company.

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