
Boeing in der Kritik: Mitarbeiter packen über Zustände im Werk aus

Boeing’s largest factory in Everett, Washington, has come under scrutiny as employees and union representatives reveal the facility is in a state of panic amid a safety crisis. An anonymous longtime mechanic at the plant expressed concerns about numerous faulty 787 jets requiring repairs, describing a climate of fear within Boeing. The mechanic criticized management for discouraging staff from raising quality control issues and prioritizing speed and efficiency over safety.

The allegations center around the relocation of 787 production to South Carolina in 2021, aimed at reducing costs. Another anonymous Boeing employee highlighted a productivity gap between the Washington and South Carolina facilities, with the former producing significantly more planes per month. Boeing has refrained from commenting on the accusations, instead referencing an established review program overseeing work on the 787 jets in Everett. Nevertheless, discussions regarding Boeing’s handling of quality control problems have intensified.

In response to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) demand for an action plan to enhance quality controls following a near-miss incident involving a Boeing 737-9, Boeing submitted a plan reflecting input from experts and employees. The FAA emphasized the need for comprehensive improvements and a thorough reassessment of quality assurance practices. Earlier in January, a nearly new 737-9 Max experienced a structural failure during ascent, prompting safety concerns related to missing fastening bolts and incorrectly drilled holes in the fuselage. These incidents underscore the importance of rigorous quality control measures in the aerospace industry.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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