
Aufarbeitung der Schrott-Saison: Gladbachs Analyse und Zukunftsperspektiven

Gladbach leckt die Wunden nach einer the worst season in 15 years. In a comprehensive analysis, Manager Roland Virkus (57), Sports Director Nils Schmadtke (35), and Coach Gerardo Seoane (45) are trying to understand the reasons for the failure. A thorough examination is expected by Rainer Bonhof (72) to obtain clear results! The focus remains on working with many young players, as last season the Bundesliga saw only Frankfurt (8) field more professionals under 21 years old than Borussia (7).

„The Borussia way is the right path,“ Bonhof confirms. „A year and a half ago, we decided to embark on the Borussia way. This path may not be the easiest or shortest, but it is the right one.“ Surprisingly, Manager Virkus has received praise from the club boss for his previous transfers. Bonhof acknowledges Virkus‘ strong signings with Franck Honorat and Robin Hack, who have shown their quality under Gerardo Seoane. Despite injury setbacks, Tomas Cvancara is expected to shine in the upcoming season. Loans for Max Wöber and Jordan have also proven beneficial.

While recognizing Virkus‘ successes, Bonhof is also applying pressure. He emphasizes the need to continue making good transfers and key squad changes this summer. Talents such as Fabio Chiarodia, Lukas Ullrich, and Grant-Leon Ranos are seen as valuable assets for the team’s future success. The club is looking beyond the obvious choices to find players who can make a significant impact.

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