
Rauchverbot in Turin: Strikte Regeln für das Rauchen im Freien

Verschärfte Verbote: Was bedeuten die neuen Rauchregeln in Turin?

In Turin, Italy, new smoking regulations have been implemented that extend the ban on smoking to outdoor areas. Previously, strict anti-smoking laws were in place across Italy, prohibiting smoking in all public buildings, offices, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and hotels since 2005. With the recent changes in Turin, the prohibition now includes outdoor spaces within a five-meter radius of other individuals.

The decision to tighten smoking regulations in Turin was underscored by Mayor Stefano Lo Russo’s emphasis on respecting non-smokers and fostering a culture of mutual respect. He deemed these measures as a demonstration of „common sense.“ The updated ordinance not only prohibits cigarette smoking but also bans smoking cigars, pipes, heated tobacco products, and e-cigarettes. Violators of the ban face a fine of 100 euros, signaling a serious approach to enforcing the new rules.

The revised rules dictate that smoking near others is only permissible when explicit consent is provided. However, in the presence of pregnant women or children, smoking in outdoor spaces is categorically prohibited. Turin is not alone in implementing stringent smoking bans; Modena, another Italian city, enacted a similar ban in March 2023, extending it to public areas like schools, universities, playgrounds, bus stops, and public offices.

Moreover, popular tourist destinations in Italy, including Bibione near Venice, have adopted smoking bans along their beaches to ensure a smoke-free environment for visitors. Additionally, other Italian holiday spots like Noto, Altavilla Milicia, Terrasini in Sicily, and the islands of Lampedusa and Linosa are known for their smoke-free policies. Tourists planning trips to France should also be aware of upcoming smoke-free measures that may restrict smoking not only in public spaces but also in parks, forests, and beaches. It is advisable for travelers to stay informed about smoking regulations to avoid any penalties during their visits.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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