
Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu: Reiseverbot in 124 Ländern?

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces potential travel restrictions across the globe following the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) request for his arrest. The ICC, based in The Hague, Netherlands, issued warrants against Netanyahu and Hamas leader Jihia al-Sinwar on May 20. If the arrest warrant against Netanyahu is approved, he could be barred from entering over 100 countries worldwide, impacting his ability to travel significantly. Although the ICC itself lacks the authority to enforce arrest warrants, all member states are obligated to apprehend individuals with pending warrants upon their presence in those countries and transfer them to The Hague for legal proceedings.

In total, Netanyahu could be prohibited from visiting 124 countries if the arrest warrant is executed. Notably, Russia, the United States, and China, along with Israel, do not recognize the ICC. The indictment against Netanyahu and al-Sinwar is based on alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes. Netanyahu vehemently criticized the warrant, rejecting any comparison drawn between Israel and Hamas by ICC’s Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan. Netanyahu condemned the application as an example of „new anti-Semitism,“ accusing universities of exporting it to The Hague.

The United States expressed strong support for Israel, with President Joe Biden asserting that there is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken labeled the ICC Chief Prosecutor’s actions as shameful. Germany noted misrepresentation concerns through simultaneous warrants for Hamas leaders and Israeli officials. Austria emphasized Israel’s right to self-defense, distinguishing between the two warrant applications. France and South Africa diverged on their views, with France endorsing the ICC’s independence and fight against impunity, while South Africa commended the Chief Prosecutor’s actions. The ICC’s decision on the arrest warrants could take weeks or months, potentially leading to Netanyahu’s detention if he enters any of the 124 member states.

In a similar occurrence in 2023, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin faced ICC accusations of war crimes, prompting potential arrest threats if he visited South Africa. The genesis of these legal actions stemmed from a violent Hamas attack classified as terrorism by the EU and the US in October 2023. Hamas militants allegedly killed over 1160 people and took 252 individuals hostage, leading to Israel’s military response in the Gaza Strip. The conflict resulted in a significant number of casualties, reflecting the ongoing tensions in the region.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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