
Wachstum ohne Wohlstand: Priyanka Gandhi kritisiert BJP-Regierung

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, a key member of the Congress party, has launched a scathing critique against the BJP-led government, questioning the economic disparity present despite the nation’s rapid economic growth. In a recent Lok Sabha election rally in Punjab supporting Amar Singh, the Congress candidate from Fatehgarh Sahib, Gandhi accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using deceptive tactics and false promises to gain power.

During her address in Chandigarh, Gandhi dismissed BJP allegations that the Congress is anti-Hindu, emphasizing her party’s adherence to the values espoused in the Bhagavad Gita, which promote truth, love, harmony, and non-violence. Gandhi urged the public to ensure Singh’s victory in the upcoming June 1 elections, highlighting the alarming statistic of 70 crore unemployed youth across the country, marking the highest joblessness rate in 45 years.


Questioning the government’s claims of economic growth, Gandhi pointed out the lack of tangible progress in the lives of ordinary citizens, citing rising inflation, shutdowns of steel factories, and weakening industries due to the impact of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). She criticized the BJP for neglecting public welfare, failing to address issues such as inflation, unemployment, women’s safety, and the escalating drug problem in Punjab, contrasting it with the Congress‘ focus on people-centric problem-solving.

Priyanka Gandhi’s sharp criticism of the BJP government sheds light on the pressing economic challenges facing the country, highlighting a disconnect between official narratives of growth and the everyday struggles of citizens. Her impassioned plea for greater accountability and concrete action to address the socioeconomic disparities underscores the urgency of prioritizing public welfare amidst the backdrop of India’s economic development.

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