
US-Senatoren wehren sich gegen Maduro: Gesetzentwurf für Demokratie!

US-Senatoren machen ernst: Mit einem neuen Gesetz wird Maduro's Herausforderer Edmundo González Urrutia als legitimer Wahlsieger anerkannt und die Unterstützung für einen friedlichen Machtwechsel in Venezuela gefordert – ein entscheidender Schritt im Kampf gegen das autoritäre Regime!

Senator Ben Cardin and Senator Tim Kaine announced their plan to introduce the Support the Venezuelan Electorate’s Rejection of Dictatorship and Aspiration for Democracy (VERDAD) Act of 2024. This legislation targets Nicolás Maduro’s regime, which is accused of undermining the results of the July 28 presidential election. The bill recognizes Maduro’s exiled opponent, Edmundo González Urrutia, as the rightful election winner and establishes U.S. policy supporting a peaceful power transition in Venezuela—specifically to González Urrutia and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado. It also proposes targeted sanctions against Maduro’s officials involved in repression and extends sanctions to foreign entities supporting the regime.

The move comes amid ongoing protests against Maduro’s refusal to cede power, a situation that has turned deadly, resulting in at least 24 deaths during recent military crackdowns, per Human Rights Watch. The Biden administration and international bodies view González Urrutia as the legitimate victor, attributing the failure to acknowledge this to the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council. Senator Kaine highlighted the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis arising from the situation, stating that the U.S. cannot remain passive as the Venezuelan people endure such hardships. The European Parliament also aligned with this stance by recognizing González Urrutia as the legitimate election winner earlier this month, boosting international support against Maduro’s regime. For further information, see the detailed report auf

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