
TikTok gegen Verbot: Kampf um die Rechte von 170 Millionen Nutzern!

TikTok kämpft am Montag, dem 16. September, in einem Bundesgericht um sein Überleben in den USA, während das Unternehmen gegen ein Gesetz antritt, das eine Abspaltung von seinem chinesischen Mutterkonzern fordert – eine Entscheidung, die nicht nur 170 Millionen Nutzer betrifft, sondern auch die angespannten Beziehungen zwischen den USA und China auf die Probe stellt!

TikTok is gearing up for a critical showdown in federal court on September 16, as the popular video-sharing platform fights a law that could force it to divest from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, or face a ban in the U.S. The stakes are high, with TikTok arguing that the law is unconstitutional and violates free speech rights, an assertion backed by a collective of users eager to maintain access to the app. This legal battle comes amidst a heated political climate, where opinions are split, especially with former President Trump opposing any ban of the app.

The new law requires TikTok to complete its divestiture by January 19, 2025, or risk being booted from the U.S. market. ByteDance has ruled out selling TikTok, leaving legal recourse as the company’s sole lifeline. A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit will soon hear arguments from TikTok and others, with a ruling expected within weeks or months. However, whatever the outcome, the case is likely headed for the Supreme Court. As TikTok contends, “the Constitution is on our side,” fighting for the platform’s existence for its 170 million American users, as highlighted in reporting from

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