
Schock in Whitesburg: Sheriff tötet Richter in Gericht und wird festgenommen!

Ein Schock für die Kleinstadt Whitesburg in Kentucky: Der Sheriff Shawn M. Stines wird nach dem tödlichen Schuss auf den angesehene Bezirksrichter Kevin Mullins in dessen Amtszimmer wegen Mordes angeklagt – eine Tragödie, die das enge Gemeinwesen erschüttert und Fragen zur Sicherheit im Gericht aufwirft!

In a shocking incident at the Letcher County courthouse in Whitesburg, Kentucky, Sheriff Shawn M. Stines, 43, has been arrested for the fatal shooting of District Judge Kevin Mullins, 54, during a supposed argument in the judge’s chambers on Thursday afternoon. Stines, whose role is typically to ensure judges‘ security, turned himself in immediately after the shooting and now faces a charge of first-degree murder, according to Kentucky State Police. This tragic event has left the tight-knit community of approximately 1,711 residents in disbelief, prompting heightened calls for improved courthouse security measures, such as the installation of metal detectors.

The shooting—which unfolded shortly before 3 p.m.—led to a swift lockdown of nearby public schools amid fears of an active shooter situation. Judge Mullins was found with multiple gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene. Stines, who has served as sheriff for eight years, is currently being held in Leslie County, with his first court appearance scheduled for September 25. Investigators are probing the circumstances surrounding the argument that led to the violence, and additional inquiries are focused on potential connections to a recent federal lawsuit involving Stines. In response to this tragedy, all Kentucky Court of Justice facilities will lower flags to half-staff in Mullins‘ honor. For ongoing updates, visit

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