
Proteste in Senegal: Oppositionsbündnis fordert faire Wahlen!

Steigende politische Spannungen in Senegal: Am 27. September 2024 plant die Opposition massive Proteste gegen Präsident Faye, der die Nationalversammlung auflöste – ein Wettlauf um Macht, der die freien Wahlen im November gefährden könnte!

In Senegal, political tensions are escalating as the „Alliance for Electoral Transparency“ (ATEL) has announced a large demonstration scheduled for September 27, 2024. This protest aims to pressure the government to guarantee free and fair legislative elections, which are set for November 17, 2024. The announcement comes on the heels of President Basiru Diomai Faye’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly, a move seen as a tactic to prevent a potential vote of no confidence amid rising opposition discontent. The opposition coalition, which recently expanded to include around 40 parties under the „Bloc of Liberals and Democrats,“ is demanding greater transparency and accountability in the electoral process.

The political climate has become increasingly fraught, highlighted by the government’s refusal to negotiate with opposition figures and an official decree dismissing key advisory council leaders. Additionally, former President Macky Sall’s involvement in the current political landscape complicates matters, as his party still holds substantial parliamentary influence. The implications of these events could be significant, potentially leading to continued friction between the ruling party and the opposition if the latter manages to secure a parliamentary majority in the upcoming elections. Opposition leaders are openly criticizing the government’s actions as threats to democracy, underscoring the prevailing distrust between the rival factions laut Informationen von www.politics-dz.com.


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