
Neue Regeln an Harvard: Forschungsskandale bald leichter aufklären!

Neue Bundesregeln geben Harvard mehr Freiheit bei der Aufklärung von Forscherbetrug, während prominente Wissenschaftler aus Boston, darunter auch ein Harvard-Professor, mit schwerwiegenden Vorwürfen konfrontiert sind – ein skandalöser Schritt, der die Integrität der Forschung in Gefahr bringt!

Harvard University has gained more discretion in handling research misconduct cases following new federal guidelines issued by the U.S. Office of Research Integrity on September 12. These changes aim to ease the process for whistleblowers and lighten the workload for research integrity offices, addressing feedback from over 200 comments suggesting that prior rules were too rigid. These updated regulations are the first significant adjustments since 2005 and come amid serious allegations of misconduct involving several Boston-area researchers, including executives from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and a prominent neuroscientist from Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Additionally, Harvard Business School Professor Francesca Gino is facing scrutiny after her tenure was reviewed due to past data manipulation accusations.

The revised rules change timelines and eliminate the requirement to transcribe all interviews during inquiries. They also allow for “honest errors” to be recognized at any stage, potentially enabling resolutions without escalating to full investigations. Kristin Bittinger, an HMS dean for faculty and research integrity, expressed optimism about the changes benefiting administrators and researchers alike. However, Holden H. Thorp, Science’s editor-in-chief, has reservations, noting that while some transparency may improve, institutions may still prioritize their reputations over public accountability. More details about these developments can be found in a recent report auf


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