
Mordfall unter Blicke der CBI: Politiker und Unternehmer in tödlichem Drama!

Nach monatelanger Untätigkeit übernimmt die CBI jetzt den Fall des grausamen Mordes an Shiv Sena (UBT) Führer Abhishek Ghosalkar, der am 8. Februar 2024 in den Vororten von Mumbai erschossen wurde, während seine Familie, eng mit den Thackerays verbunden, um ein gerechtes Verfahren kämpft!

Mumbai’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has officially taken over the murder case of Abhishek Ghosalkar, a leader of the Shiv Sena (UBT), following a ruling from the Bombay High Court. The shocking incident, which involved Ghosalkar and local businessman Mauris Noronha, took place on February 8, 2024, in Borivali-Dahisar. Noronha later died by suicide. Initially investigated by MHB Colony police and then transferred to the Crime Branch, the case saw Ghosalkar’s family pushing for a more thorough inquiry, suspecting inadequate handling by local authorities. Tejasvee Ghosalkar, Abhishek’s wife, sought an independent probe due to concerns over the investigation’s integrity.

The Crime Branch’s findings indicated that Noronha allegedly used a licensed firearm registered to his bodyguard, Amrendra Mishra, to carry out the shooting before turning the gun on himself. Mishra was arrested under the Arms Act. The High Court highlighted the importance of examining all aspects of the case, emphasizing that failing to do so could compromise justice. This decision marks a significant shift in the investigation, which has drawn attention due to the political connections of the Ghosalkar family within Mumbai’s political landscape, as described in detail by


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