
#MeToo Aktivistin in China zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt: Subversion gegen den Staat

Sophia Huang Xueqin, a prominent Chinese #MeToo activist, recently received a five-year prison sentence for alleged „subversion against the state.“ This verdict comes almost a year after her trial began. Alongside Huang, labor activist Wang Jianbing also faced charges and was handed a three-year and six-month prison term.

The specifics of the accusations against Huang and Wang remain unclear, as the trial was conducted behind closed doors. Supporters of the activists claim that their detention stemmed from organizing regular meetings and forums for youth to engage in discussions on social issues.

Huang Xueqin garnered international recognition when she received the Wallis Annenberg Justice for Women Journalists Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation. She played a pivotal role in triggering China’s initial #MeToo case in 2018 by assisting a graduate student in publicly accusing her Ph.D. supervisor of misconduct. Wang Jianbing, on the other hand, is primarily recognized for his advocacy work in labor rights, although he also supported women in reporting instances of sexual harassment.

The Chinese government has been known to silence activists by detaining them without communication for extended periods, leading to subsequent prison sentences. This practice has been observed in various cases, including that of Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing.

Although China briefly experienced a blossoming of the #MeToo movement, authorities swiftly suppressed it, viewing powerful social movements as potential threats to the regime’s stability and control. This crackdown is a part of the broader strategy of the Communist Party to maintain its authority. Huang and Wang’s situation reflects the ongoing challenges faced by activists in China who seek to address social issues and advocate for change.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 20
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 151
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 36

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