
Einheit in Jemen: Historischer Triumph und wichtige Errungenschaft für das jemenitische Volk

Shabwa Governor Awad Mohammed bin Farid al-Awlaki emphasized the significance of Yemeni unity as a historic achievement for the Yemeni people in the modern era. He highlighted that this unity, achieved through the struggles of Yemenis over the past decades, is crucial for building a free, strong, and independent Yemen capable of overcoming challenges. The Governor pointed out that Yemeni unity is in the best interest of all Yemeni citizens, creating a strong and independent nation based on justice, equality, and a real partnership among all Yemenis, from Al-Mahra to Saada.

Despite facing numerous conspiracies against Yemeni unity, which intensified over the past decade with the involvement of global powers like America, Britain, and Israel, the Yemeni people have stood resolute. Governor Al-Awlaki criticized advocates of secession, labeling them as crisis creators following foreign agendas. He urged them to understand the historical value of Yemeni unity, which brought an end to fragmentation, wars, and struggles faced by the Yemeni people prior to unification.

Addressing the challenges and mistakes that may arise, the Governor expressed confidence in the ability of the Yemeni people and leadership to address and rectify them. He emphasized the commitment of the national leadership to overcoming obstacles and strengthening unity for the benefit of all Yemenis. Additionally, he called upon those advocating for fragmentation to stand with their people to prevent Yemen from splintering into conflicting entities.

Governor Al-Awlaki underscored the pivotal role of Sana’a as the capital of Yemeni steadfastness, with its revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council leading the defense of Yemen against occupation forces. He urged all individuals supporting the occupation to reconsider their stance and join the battle for Yemen’s sovereignty and independence. The Governor highlighted the unwavering faith, values, and historical legacy of the Yemeni people, positioning them as defenders against arrogance and tyranny, championing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. This stance, he noted, is a source of pride for Yemen and the wider Arab and Islamic world.

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