
Drohungen gegen serbische Journalisten in Kroatien: Angriffe auf Pressefreiheit aufdecken

Prominent Serbian-language newspaper faces threats in Croatia

In the wake of the recent parliamentary election in Croatia, the Serbian-language weekly newspaper Novosti has been targeted with a series of threatening messages directed at its journalists. The attacks, which began in April following the nationalist right-wing party Domovinski pokret’s rise to power, have raised concerns about press freedom and safety.

Editor-in-chief Andrea Radak reported that journalists at Novosti have been inundated with insulting, hateful, and intimidating messages via various channels, including email, letters, phone calls, and social media platforms. The threats, which have not abated, have created a hostile environment for the newspaper’s staff.

The nationalist party has called for an end to state funding for Novosti, accusing the publication of neglecting minority issues. The newspaper, a key source of information for Croatia’s Serbian minority, has long been a target of political scrutiny and pressure.

Despite filing a criminal complaint with the police, Novosti has yet to receive updates on the investigation into the threats. Concerns have been raised about the safety of journalists and the chilling effect these threats may have on the newspaper’s ability to report independently.

The ongoing attacks, which include references to Croatia’s historical fascist regime and threats of expulsion for pro-Serbia reporting, have sparked condemnation from press freedom advocates. Calls have been made for Croatian authorities to take decisive action to protect journalists, uphold media freedom, and hold the perpetrators accountable.

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