
Calangute Panchayat Seeks Approval for Entry Restriction Resolution: A Step Towards Disciplined Tourism

Calangute Panchayat Considers Entry Restrictions for Tourists

In an effort to address the growing concerns about tourist behavior in Calangute, the Calangute Panchayat has taken a significant step by considering entry restrictions for visitors. This decision follows a unanimous resolution by the panch members, led by Sarpanch Joseph Sequeira, who highlighted the nuisance caused by certain tourists in the touristic areas of the village.

Emphasizing the need for this move, Sequeira acknowledged that while unilateral action may not be possible, seeking the opinion of relevant authorities such as the North Goa Collector, Goa Police, and the Director of Panchayats is crucial. This collaborative approach aims to gather feedback and insights to formalize the resolution into a concrete regulation.

Previously, the Calangute Panchayat had proposed an entry tax for tourists entering specific locations within the village to deter disruptive behavior and promote responsible tourism. Drawing parallels with popular hill stations in India, Sequeira justified the move by highlighting the benefits of imposing such entry fees in maintaining order and discipline among visitors.

While the idea of entry restrictions has sparked varied responses across the state, with some expressing concerns about limiting movement and others supporting the initiative to improve the village’s environment, the Calangute Panchayat remains committed to exploring measures that balance tourism with community well-being.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 17
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 40
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