
Experte Mölling enthüllt: Warum China und Russland auf Trump als US-Präsidenten hoffen

Trump’s international influence grows,“ DGAP expert says

In a recent interview, security expert Christian Mölling highlighted the increasing impact of former President Donald Trump on international politics. As the US presidential race heats up, Mölling pointed out that Trump is already becoming a significant player on the global stage.

Mölling, who serves as the Research Director at the German Society for Foreign Policy, shared his insights on a podcast called „The Situation – international.“ He emphasized that as Joe Biden’s camp weakens, Trump’s influence grows stronger. Following a successful TV debate against his successor, Biden, Trump is looking to reclaim the presidential seat in the upcoming elections.

During a recent appearance on CNN, Trump made promises regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, hinting at his intentions to resolve the issue before potentially taking office in January. Mölling acknowledged the weight Trump’s words carry, especially if he secures victory in November. However, Mölling expressed optimism that Trump would not jeopardize Ukraine’s interests, as the negative repercussions on US interests could be severe.

The expert also highlighted the favorable view Trump holds among Russia and China. Both nations see Trump as a more accommodating leader compared to Biden. Mölling noted Russia’s strategic maneuvers, with Putin aligning himself with Trump to present a united front. This alliance serves to project Trump as a skilled dealmaker and a peacemaker, a narrative that resonates positively with a global audience.

Moreover, Mölling pointed out Putin’s growing reliance on external support, signaling potential vulnerabilities in Russia’s global standing. With the possibility of Russia becoming subordinate to China, the international community faces uncertainty in its diplomatic engagements. Mölling posed a thought-provoking question regarding the US’s position in these shifting dynamics, questioning whether they negotiate with the head chef or the waiter.

In conclusion, Mölling’s assessment sheds light on the evolving landscape of international relations and the role Trump plays in shaping the geopolitical narrative. As the world watches the US elections unfold, the repercussions of Trump’s reemergence in global politics will undoubtedly reverberate across borders, impacting diplomatic strategies and alliances.

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