BlaulichtKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Wasserstoff-Tankstelle in Gersthofen brennt nieder – Polizei ermittelt Brandursache

In Gersthofen, an incident of a fire occurred at a waterstoff-tankstelle along the Frankfurter Straße on the 25th of June, 2024. The authorities were alerted to the blaze at approximately 10:10 in the morning. Initial reports indicate that the fire was accompanied by a loud noise. Thankfully, there were no reported injuries resulting from the incident. The local fire department was able to swiftly extinguish the flames, preventing any further damage. At present, investigations are being conducted to determine the extent of the damages caused by the fire. The criminal police in Augsburg has taken charge of the case, a standard procedure in such situations, and they are currently focused on uncovering the root cause of the fire. Based on preliminary findings, it is believed that the fire was sparked by a technical malfunction.

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