BlaulichtKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Verkehrsunfallflucht in Andel: Zeugen gesucht nach Vandalismus an Anwesen

In Andel, Bernkastel-Kues, a hit-and-run accident occurred on Friday, June 28, 2024, between 07:00 and 14:00. The incident involved a larger vehicle damaging the front roof of a property. The responsible driver fled the scene without addressing the damage caused or providing any information for compensation. The police are now seeking witnesses who may have observed the incident or have any leads on the perpetrator. Any information can be shared with the authorities by calling 06531-95270 or emailing

It is crucial for community members to come forward with any relevant information to assist law enforcement in resolving this incident. Cooperation from the public is key in identifying and holding the responsible party accountable for their actions. By working together, residents can contribute to ensuring safety and accountability on the roads. Citizens are encouraged to report any suspicious activities or details that may lead to the apprehension of the individual involved in the hit-and-run accident.

The police’s plea for witnesses highlights the importance of community engagement in solving crimes and upholding traffic regulations. By sharing any insights or observations, individuals can play a crucial role in facilitating justice and maintaining law and order in the region. Cooperation between law enforcement and the public is fundamental in ensuring a safe and secure environment for all residents. It is essential for individuals to be vigilant and responsive to such incidents to promote accountability and responsibility in society.

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