BlaulichtKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Polizei sucht Zeugen nach Brand auf der Jahnwiese in Lippstadt

In Lippstadt, specifically at the Jahnwiese in the „Im Stiftsmersch“ street, a fire broke out yesterday evening just before 6:00 PM. A witness observed three teenagers squatting at the site of the fire in the nearby field. As smoke began to rise, the three teenagers rode away on their bicycles. Another witness extinguished the fire and attempted to chase after the three arsonists but was unable to catch them. Descriptions of the individuals involved have been provided by the witnesses: the first person is a slender girl aged around 15-16, wearing a pink t-shirt and loose-fitting jeans; the second person is a slender male wearing neon-colored shoes and matching leg warmers or socks, and the third person is a male aged 15-16 with a slim build, wearing a dark t-shirt with white stripes. The police are seeking information on the identities of these three individuals or any additional details related to the arson. Any information can be provided to the authorities at 02941 91000 or at any police station.

In related news regarding incidents of arson in public spaces, it is essential for members of the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police promptly. Arson not only poses a threat to public safety but also results in damage to property and natural surroundings. Cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the community is crucial in preventing and addressing such incidents effectively.

The description provided by the witnesses offers valuable information that could potentially lead to the identification and apprehension of the individuals responsible for the fire on the Jahnwiese. By coming forward with any relevant information, members of the public can assist the authorities in ensuring that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

Anyone with information regarding the individuals described or the circumstances surrounding the arson incident on the Jahnwiese is encouraged to contact the police. By working together, the community and law enforcement can contribute to maintaining safety and security in public spaces, preventing similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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