BlaulichtKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Mann befriedigt sich im Fahrzeug an der Nagoldtalsperre – Polizei sucht Zeugen

In Grömbach, near the Nagoldtalsperre, a woman noticed a man making sexually motivated gestures towards himself while passing by on Thursday evening. The incident occurred around 6:45 pm when the woman walked past an older, dark-colored parked car and observed an older man in the driver’s seat engaging in inappropriate behavior. Despite a prompt response from the police after being notified of the incident, the man could not be found at the scene.

The vehicle was parked in a larger parking lot (P3) facing the lake, situated east of the dam and a restaurant. Following the incident, the Criminal Police have initiated further investigations and are urging any witnesses to come forward and provide information by contacting the Criminal Investigation Department in Pforzheim at 07231 186-4444.

The incident has raised concerns within the community, prompting authorities to seek assistance from the public in identifying the individual involved. Such behavior is not only inappropriate but also unlawful, emphasizing the importance of reporting such incidents to the authorities promptly. The police are actively pursuing leads to apprehend the individual responsible for the indecent act.

Residents and visitors frequenting the area are encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior they may observe to prevent similar incidents in the future. The collaboration between law enforcement and the community is crucial in maintaining public safety and upholding a sense of security for everyone in the region.

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