BlaulichtKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Einbruch in Scheune und Verkehrsunfall auf der B6: Polizeibericht Diepholz 15.06.2024

In Bruchhausen-Vilsen, an unfortunate incident occurred as unknown perpetrators forcibly entered the equipment shed of a rural property on Süstedter Dorfstraße, stealing a ride-on lawnmower. The estimated total damage amounts to approximately 7000 euros. The authorities in Bruchhausen-Vilsen and Syke are urging the public to come forward with any information or suspicious observations related to this burglary.

Moving on to Weyhe-Erichshof, a traffic accident took place on the B6 in the early evening of June 14, 2024, leading to a temporary full closure of the road. A 20-year-old driver of a Volvo from Bassum failed to notice the 54-year-old driver of a VW braking in front of her, resulting in a rear-end collision. Both individuals involved in the accident were transported to nearby hospitals by ambulance for medical attention. The B6 had to be briefly shut down to facilitate the investigation of the incident.

These events serve as reminders of the importance of vigilance and caution both in safeguarding property against theft and in ensuring road safety to prevent accidents. The cooperation of the public with law enforcement authorities plays a crucial role in addressing and resolving such incidents efficiently. It is imperative for individuals to report any relevant information that could assist in the investigation of these occurrences, ultimately contributing to a safer community for everyone.

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