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Israel und Gaza: Freilassung der Attentäter vor dem Bombenanschlag in Beit Dajan – Hintergrundbericht

In Beit Dagan Village in the West Bank, the state of Israel releases one after the other the murderers of the second intifada. This was the scene last night when Tayar Hanini, a central member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who was arrested at the end of the second intifada and sentenced to 20 years in prison for terrorist activities in which he was involved, was released.

Hanini is considered a significant symbol in the terrorist organization and even wrote books from prison. Despite every child knowing the implications of his return to the territory at this time, he was released from prison and welcomed in a mass incitement parade held in his honor.


Hanini comes from a family of murderers, and is a close relative of Sadi Hanini who carried out a suicide bombing at the Geha Junction where four Jews were killed and 16 others were injured, as well as Fadi Hanini – a senior member of the Popular Front who was murdered during the intifada.

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