
DJ Purple Disco Machine über Absage an Taylor Swift: „Kein großes Ding!“

Dresden – Der angesagte DJ Purple Disco Machine, alias Tino Piontek, sieht seine Absage an Taylor Swift für einen Remix nicht als Drama, denn das Angebot kam einfach zur falschen Zeit – vielleicht stehen die Chancen für eine musikalische Zusammenarbeit in der Zukunft besser!

Dresden DJ Tino Piontek, better known as Purple Disco Machine, has downplayed the significance of his recent decision to decline a collaboration with pop superstar Taylor Swift. In an interview with the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Piontek stated it has been blown out of proportion, suggesting Swift was likely unaware of the request. The artist’s management reached out for a remix, but Piontek decided against it, claiming the timing was off as he was deep into his album work and didn’t want to rush for a quick payday.

While the management expressed surprise at the cancellation—remarking it was unheard of in their experience—Piontek clarified that the choice wasn’t a reflection of Swift’s music, which he enjoys. He left the door open for future collaboration, saying they might reconnect down the line. Interestingly, Piontek has also faced cancellations himself, having completed a remix for The Weeknd that ended up unused. In the meantime, he continues to thrive, recently winning a Grammy for his work with Lizzo and planning a European tour for his upcoming album “Paradise” in October. For more details, siehe den Bericht auf www.radiohochstift.de.