
Klarstellung von Kaufland: Humboldtstraße Standort bleibt fest etabliert

"Geheimnisvolles Statement enthüllt: Kaufland in Thüringen bleibt an angestammtem Standort"

In Weimar, the supermarket landscape is undergoing significant changes, with one familiar store closing its doors for good at the end of March. The future of the site remains uncertain, fueling intense speculation and rumors. Among the rumors circulating, one involves a potential closure of the Kaufland store located in Humboldstraße. However, the company has addressed these rumors head-on, asserting its intention to remain at its current location and dispelling any speculation about moving to the Süßenborn site.

Wirtschaftsamt-Chef Christian Schwartze provided clarity on the matter, affirming that Kaufland has no plans to integrate the store into the Süßenborn location. This firm stance was reiterated in a statement to the „Thüringer Allgemeine,“ emphasizing the company’s commitment to maintaining its presence at the Humboldtstraße address. The city is currently exploring options for the future of the Süßenborn site, with discussions underway regarding potential alternative uses for the building.

As the situation continues to unfold, residents and stakeholders in Weimar will be keen to see how the supermarket landscape evolves in the coming months. The closure of the familiar „Mein Real“ store has already left a void, and the fate of the Kaufland store in Humboldstraße will be closely monitored. For now, the company’s resolute decision to remain in its current location provides some reassurance amidst the uncertainty surrounding the supermarket sector in Thüringen.

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