
Leguano Barfußschuhe erobern Jena: Neuer Standort in der Lichtstadt!

In Jena, Thüringen, there are upcoming changes on the horizon following the closure of a bakery. The „Ostthüringer Zeitung“ (OZ) reported that the empty business premises will soon be taken over by a familiar company. The company „Backwerk“ had to pull out of the city, leaving commercial space vacant at Teichgraben. Despite initial hopes for a swift replacement, the process took longer than expected, with the premises reportedly vacant since the beginning of 2023.

However, a successor has now been identified, and it is none other than the Barfußschuhe provider „Leguano“ that already has a branch in Jena. The company is set to establish itself at Teichgraben, with the decision made to relocate within the city. Previously located at Carl-Zeiss-Platz, the company aims to better serve its customers and expand its reach by moving to the Lichtstadt area, as reported by OZ.

The new location is expected to open its doors on Saturday, May 18. Further details about the grand opening can be found in the pages of the „Ostthüringer Zeitung.“ This transition signifies a new chapter for the business landscape in Jena, demonstrating resilience and adaptation in the face of changing economic circumstances.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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