
Kaufland Statement klärt Gerüchte in Thüringen auf

Aufklärung oder Vertuschung? Kaufland reagiert auf brisante Gerüchte in Thüringen

In Weimar, the supermarket landscape is undergoing significant changes, with an old familiar face closing its doors for good at the end of March. The future of the location remains uncertain, sparking intense rumors. Among these speculations is the potential closure of a Kaufland store in Humboldstraße, with talks of a possible relocation to Süßenborn. To address these rumors, Kaufland felt compelled to make a firm statement.

The company affirmed its commitment to the Weimar location on Humboldtstraße, dispelling any notions of integrating or relocating the store. This decisive stance was communicated to the „Thüringer Allgemeine“ newspaper, emphasizing that there are no plans to move the supermarket. Despite the uncertainties surrounding Süßenborn’s market, the city is actively seeking solutions for the site’s future use. The „Thüringer Allgemeine“ provides updates on the ongoing efforts and potential alternative purposes for the building.

Daniel Wom Webdesign

The closure of the „Mein Real“ branch in Süßenborn has left the region in a state of transition, with unanswered questions about the market’s fate. Although the supermarket industry in Thuringia is evolving rapidly, Kaufland’s commitment to its Weimar store brings a sense of stability amidst the changing retail landscape. As developments continue to unfold, residents and stakeholders await further updates on the future of these key supermarket locations.

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