
Kaufland in Thüringen: Bleibt der Supermarkt-Standort erhalten?

Kaufland in Thüringen: Klare Ansage und Zukunftsausblick

In Weimar, the supermarket landscape is undergoing significant changes as an established store closes its doors for good at the end of March. Speculation about the future of this location is rife, with rumors swirling about a potential closure of a Kaufland store as well. The Kaufland store in Humboldstraße has been the subject of these rumors, with talks suggesting a possible relocation to the Süßenborn site. However, the Chief of the Economic Office, Christian Schwartze, clarified the situation on Tuesday, March 5.

According to reports from the „Thüringer Allgemeine,“ both Schwartze and Kaufland have made unequivocal statements regarding the rumors. Schwartze confirmed that the company intends to maintain its Weimar market at its current location on Humboldtstraße. Kaufland, on the other hand, stated definitively that they have no plans to integrate the Süßenborn location into their operations.


As the city of Weimar works to find a solution for the future of the Süßenborn supermarket site, the „Thüringer Allgemeine“ provides updates on the situation. Additionally, the newspaper discusses alternative potential uses for the building, shedding light on the efforts being made to address the changing retail landscape in the region.

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