
Knockout-Prozess: Verteidigung bittet um Milde – Urteil im Juli erwartet

Community Impact of the „Knockout Game“ Trial: Defense Makes Case for Leniency

As the trial against suspected members of the violent, far-right martial arts organization „Knockout 51“ continues at the Thuringian Higher Regional Court, the defense for the four defendants has pleaded for lenient sentences. This plea comes after a court official in Jena confirmed ongoing discussions. The main defendant, 26 years old, made a case for a total sentence of three years in prison during the hearing on Monday.

The proposed sentences for the other defendants range from acquittal to fines and deferred imprisonment. Last week, the prosecution sought a seven-year prison term for the main defendant, along with multiple-year sentences for the co-defendants. The verdicts are scheduled to be announced on July 1st.

The extremist, far-right martial arts group „Knockout 51,“ originating in Eisenach and classified as extremist in the 2021 Thuringian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution report, is under suspicion by the Federal Prosecutor General of plotting to murder political opponents using knives, axes, and machetes.

The four men, aged between 21 and 26, face a broad array of charges. These include membership in a criminal organization, disturbance of the peace, and multiple instances of assault. Additionally, two of the defendants are facing charges related to violating firearms laws.

The trial against these men has been ongoing since August 2023, shedding light on the dangerous implications of far-right extremism and its potential impact on public safety. The outcome of this trial will not only affect the defendants but also send a strong message about the repercussions of engaging in violent extremist activities within the community.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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