
Angst und Bedrohung in Thüringer Zügen: Appelle um Hilfe für Bahn-Mitarbeiter

In Thüringen alarm bells are ringing among railway employees, as reported in a recent article. The focus is on the railway route Erfurt–Arnstadt–Suhl-Meiningen, operated by the South Thuringia Railway (STB). A distress call from the company’s works council sheds light on the challenges faced by inspectors and train drivers on board, referring to the train compartments as a „battlefield for passengers.“

Despite the presence of an external security service since January, some passengers seem to display unacceptable behavior, particularly in the evenings and at night. The staff of the STB endure insults, sexist threats, spitting attacks, and voyeurism, with aggressive individuals resorting to physical violence including punches and kicks. Employees are sometimes forced to flee across tracks, and husbands have started accompanying their wives for safety during work hours.

The report suggests that the perpetrators are primarily migrants and refugees from the Suhl accommodation center. However, the Federal Police caution against such subjective perceptions, attributing the rise in criminal incidents on trains across Germany to factors like overcrowded trains due to the Deutschlandticket. The Railway and Transport Union (EVG) also notes that the loss of respect and safety concerns on the South Thuringian route are not isolated incidents, highlighting the need for enhanced security measures.

In response to these challenges, initiatives for new security concepts are deemed crucial. The German Railways recently announced plans to introduce body cameras, while the state of Thuringia is considering providing funds to STB and DB Regio to bolster safety measures. Despite these developments, the South Thuringia Railway has not provided a response to inquiries regarding the situation.

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