Altenburger Land

Dialogtour mit Bundestagsabgeordnete Elisabeth Kaiser: Bürger im direkten Austausch

Elisabeth Kaiser (SPD) embarks on a dialogue tour aimed at promoting citizen proximity and transparency. This format provides citizens with a valuable opportunity to engage directly with their members of parliament. The goal is to inform about the work and plans of the SPD parliamentary group, increase acceptance, transparency, and establish a continuous dialogue with the local community.

„I am very much looking forward to the dialogue tour and the conversations with the citizens. It is important to me to directly address their concerns, questions, and suggestions and incorporate them into my political work,“ explains Elisabeth Kaiser. „Our format has proven to be very effective in providing a low-threshold platform for discussions and promoting direct exchange.“

The dialogue tour by Elisabeth Kaiser includes three dates with information stands at central locations: Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 3 pm in Altenburg at Roßplan; Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 9 am in Ronneburg at the marketplace; and Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 3 pm in front of the City Museum in Gera.

All interested citizens and press representatives are cordially invited to visit the information stands, ask questions, and learn about the work of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag. These events provide an excellent opportunity to discuss current political issues and address personal concerns directly with Elisabeth Kaiser.

The SPD is emphasizing citizen proximity and readiness for dialogue with such formats to strengthen trust in politics and promote democratic participation. Elisabeth Kaiser is looking forward to stimulating conversations and numerous visitors.

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