
Successful Launch of World s First Valour Hedera (HBAR) ETP Celebrated at Frankfurt Stock Exchange Closing Bell Ceremony

DeFi Technologies‘ subsidiary Valour Inc. and The Hashgraph Association celebrated the successful launch of the world’s first Valour Hedera (HBAR) ETP at the closing bell ceremony at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In the main hall of the exchange, industry leaders and investors gathered to witness this milestone event, highlighting the debut of the Valour Hedera (HBAR) ETP with ISIN: CH1213604528.

The collaboration between Valour Inc. and The Hashgraph Association signifies a significant step in expanding the range of certificate-based ETPs. Hedera, the leading decentralized and open-source public network, stands out for its energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Governed by a council of independent, global organizations, including Fortune 500 companies and prestigious universities, HBAR, the native currency of Hedera, plays a crucial role in network fees and security.

The Valour Hedera (HBAR) ETP offers institutional investors a streamlined and secure access to Hedera’s native cryptocurrency. This launch reflects Valour’s commitment to enhancing market access for digital assets at traditional exchanges while simplifying the investment process for individuals and institutions. Similarly, Hedera’s innovative technology, featuring the unattended, asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) Hashgraph consensus algorithm, ensures high throughput, low fees, and dependable transaction ordering.

The collaboration between Valour and The Hashgraph Association reinforces the mission of promoting digital empowerment and innovative investment opportunities for institutional investors. The Valour Hedera (HBAR) ETP represents a significant advancement in integrating crypto assets like Hedera into traditional portfolios with ease and transparency. This milestone event not only marks the launch of a groundbreaking ETP but also symbolizes the growing intersection between traditional finance and the world of decentralized finance, or DeFi.

Overall, the successful debut of the Valour Hedera (HBAR) ETP at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange underscores the increasing adoption and recognition of digital assets in mainstream financial markets. With Valour’s commitment to providing safe and accessible investment opportunities in digital assets, the collaboration with The Hashgraph Association paves the way for a future where blockchain technology plays a pivotal role in traditional financial ecosystems.

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