
Die Wichtigsten Pegelstände der Ostsee in Heiligenhafen, Marienleuchte, Neustadt und Wismar

Momentan steigt der Pegel an der Lübecker Bucht - Was bedeutet das für die Region?

In Neustadt, Heiligenhafen, Fehmarn, and Wismar, the Baltic Sea, also known as the Ostsee, borders several countries, including Germany. Key water levels for the Lübecker Bucht are monitored at the measuring stations in Heiligenhafen, Marienleuchte (Fehmarn), Neustadt (Ostholstein), and Wismar.

When evaluating water levels, data on the lowest and highest values are collected and then averaged to determine the figures for „Mittleres Niedrigwasser“ (MNW) and „Mittleres Hochwasser“ (MHW). These values provide insights into potential flooding of roads near the measurement stations and whether ship traffic is permitted.

Depending on the federal state, different alert levels are triggered for instances of high water. In Niedersachsen, for example, the categories range from „Alarmstufe 1: Kleines Hochwasser“ to „Alarmstufe 4: Sehr großes Hochwasser,“ each with specific implications for flood areas and potential damage.

To warn about high water levels, various institutions established under the Zivilschutz- und Katastrophenhilfegesetz (ZSKG) in Germany coordinate warnings through channels like radio, TV, sirens, and digital platforms. The Hochwasserportal (LHP) provides a comprehensive overview of current flood risks across the country.

Rästel der Woche

Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

Lösung anzeigen

Historically, the highest water level in Neustadt’s Ostsee was recorded at 782 centimetres on November 13, 1872. These data points help monitor and predict water levels in critical coastal areas like Marienleuchte (Fehmarn), Heiligenhafen, and Wismar to enhance preparedness and response strategies.

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