
Großer Polizeieinsatz in St. Lorenz Nord – Verdächtiger unter Beobachtung

Spezialeinsatzkommando im Einsatz: Was geschah auf dem Balkon in St. Lorenz Nord?

In Lübeck, specifically in the neighborhood of St. Lorenz Nord, a significant police operation took place this morning. The situation arose following a report that an individual had fired shots from a balcony, prompting the police to surround a multi-family house and call in the Special Operations Command. Fortunately, no one was harmed during the operation.

At approximately 07:15 am, the police emergency line received a notification that someone in Schönböckener Straße had fired a weapon multiple times into the air from a balcony. As a result, several units of the Lübeck police surrounded the building. The Special Operations Command was brought in to conduct a search of the apartment. Nearby, the Lübeck professional fire department was also present at a standby location.


Around 08:20 am, a male individual left the building in question and attempted to ride off on a scooter. Law enforcement officers intercepted the man and subsequently confirmed that he was the 30-year-old resident under suspicion. A search of his person did not reveal any firearms. Due to the possibility of other individuals being present in the apartment, specialized forces entered and are currently conducting a detailed search for the alleged firearm.

Throughout the operation, Schönböckener Straße was temporarily closed between 07:30 am and 09:30 am, leading to the rerouting of public transportation during that period. The information was relayed by the Lübeck Police Department on April 29, 2024, at 04:11 am. For updated police reports, it is recommended to follow the Blaulichtmelder on Twitter.

Additionally, for further insights into the current situation in the region, including weather forecasts, warning notifications, and more, visit the Regio-News page for Lübeck to stay informed about essential information.

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