
Ministerpräsident Günther fordert entschlossenes Handeln gegen illegale Migration

Amidst growing concerns over the management of migration in Germany, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President, Daniel Günther (CDU), has called for increased efforts from Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to limit migration into the country. Günther expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of implementation of measures aimed at controlling and directing migration, emphasizing the need for more decisive action.

While acknowledging that border controls at Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Poland have effectively reduced illegal migration numbers, Günther stressed that enhanced border protection alone would not suffice. He emphasized the necessity of additional repatriation and migration agreements, urging Chancellor Scholz to take a hands-on approach in negotiating these agreements. Günther criticized sending only a government representative for negotiations as insufficient.

Moreover, Günther highlighted the importance of expediting the return of individuals who are obligated to leave the country and advocating for more asylum procedures at the European external borders. Additionally, he suggested conducting asylum procedures in third countries to deter individuals from embarking on journeys to Europe in the first place. Günther noted that addressing migration challenges does not have straightforward solutions, cautioning against false promises made by populists on the matter.

In light of the complex nature of migration issues, Günther underscored the need for immediate action, particularly in response to the outcomes of the recent European elections. He emphasized that those who fail to recognize the urgency of addressing migration concerns may be ill-equipped to address evolving challenges effectively. The call for increased engagement from Chancellor Scholz reflects broader discussions surrounding migration management in Germany and the imperative for coordinated, strategic responses to these pressing issues.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 3
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 108
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 13

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