
Giftige Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten: Verbraucherschützer fordern sofortiges Handeln

Fluorine-containing chemicals, also known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), have gained attention for their widespread use across various industries due to their water, grease, and soil-resistant properties. Despite their utility, these chemicals pose significant environmental and health risks. PFAS compounds are suspected to be carcinogenic, disrupt thyroid and hormone functions, reduce vaccine efficacy, and lead to liver damage and fertility issues. These substances have been found to contaminate both water and fat sources, resulting in global dispersion, including remote areas like Antarctica and mountain regions.

The implications of PFAS contamination have been highlighted in a case involving a 50,000-resident town in Baden-Württemberg. Here, approximately 480 hectares of former farmland have been contaminated with PFAS due to prolonged fertilization practices, leading to elevated levels of these toxins in local groundwater and drinking water. PFAS compounds find applications in various products, including baking paper, single-use cups, fast-food packaging, fire extinguishers, bakeware, dishware, implants, waterproofing spray, furniture, paper coatings, solar panels, and dental floss.

Despite efforts to reduce PFAS exposure, a 2021 study in the US revealed the inadvertent presence of these chemicals in supposedly sustainable alternatives like paper straws and other renewable resources like sugarcane and wheat. This unintended contamination occurs through detached coatings, particularly affecting items labeled as „compostable“ disposable tableware. As a result, these toxins can enter the environment through recycling processes involving paper waste, organic matter, and compost.

Recognizing the absence of labeling requirements for PFAS in products, consumers are advised by consumer protection agencies to be cautious with items featuring non-stick or water- and oil-repellent properties, as these may indicate the presence of fluorine chemicals. The inability to regulate individual fluorine compounds has led to the suggestion of a comprehensive ban on the entire PFAS chemical group by consumer advocate organizations and environmental groups. However, resistance from German industry associations is based on concerns regarding the insufficient development of alternative substances with similar properties, highlighting the challenges in phasing out PFAS entirely.

In the absence of a definitive regulatory framework, consumers are encouraged to opt for eco-friendly alternatives like glass or metal straws and reusable containers for snacks. Despite ongoing debates and conflicting interests, the push for stricter controls on PFAS remains a significant focus for environmental protection and public health advocacy.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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