
Umfrage-Ergebnisse Sachsen-Wahl 2024: BSW von Sahra Wagenknecht überraschend stark

Sahra Wagenknecht’s BSW Surges in Poll Stronger than Traffic Light Coalition

As the 2024 election in Saxony approaches, a fascinating dynamic is unfolding, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) locked in a tight race. However, the real surprise comes from the unexpected strength of Sahra Wagenknecht’s Alliance (BSW).

The latest Insa poll reveals that currently, the AfD leads with 32%, closely followed by the CDU at 30%. Remarkably, Sahra Wagenknecht’s BSW commands a significant 15% of the projected vote. The survey, conducted online between June 10 and 17 with 1500 participants, was commissioned by the Leipziger Volkszeitung, the Sächsische Zeitung, and the Freie Presse.

Contrastingly, previous polls in March showed the AfD with a more substantial lead, hitting 34%, while the CDU remained steady at 30%. The political landscape in Saxony is further complicated by the fact that the far-right, state-monitored AfD is contesting its extremist classification.

2024 Saxony Election: BSW by Sahra Wagenknecht Outpaces Traffic Light Parties in Poll

While the top spot is a battleground between the AfD and CDU, parties like the Left, Greens, and Social Democrats are neck and neck at the bottom of the spectrum and may struggle against the 5% threshold. The Free Democratic Party (FDP) languishes at 2%, miles away from contention. Collectively, other parties command a combined 7%.

AfD 32% – 3%
CDU 30% + 1%
BSW 15% + 15%
SPD 5% – 2%
Greens 5% – 1%
Left 4% – 5%

The current coalition government in Saxony, known as the Kenya Coalition due to its colors, consists of the CDU, SPD, and Greens. Post-election, mirroring the challenges seen in Thuringia, forming a government is expected to be arduous. Recently, Minister-President Michael Kretschmer expressed reservations about a black-green alliance at the federal level.

It is crucial to remember that election polls inherently come with uncertainties. Factors like shifting party loyalties and last-minute voting decisions make data interpretation complex. Surveys merely capture a snapshot of public opinion at the time of polling and do not guarantee election outcomes. (jako)

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