
Festnahme nach Bluttat: Verdächtiger Ukrainer in Magdeburg geschnappt!

In Magdeburg wurde ein 56-jähriger Ukrainer festgenommen, der am 13. Mai 2024 eine 51-jährige Frau vor ihrer Haustür angeschossen haben soll, während die Polizei nach monatelangen Ermittlungen und 3500 Arbeitsstunden nun auf der Spur weiterer Tathintergründe ist.

In Magdeburg, a 56-year-old Ukrainian man has been arrested on charges of attempted murder, nearly four months after he allegedly shot a 51-year-old woman in front of her home. The shooting occurred on May 13, 2024, in the suburb of Fermersleben, leaving the victim seriously injured but no longer in life-threatening condition. Following a lengthy investigation involving surveillance footage, witness accounts, and public tips, police created a dedicated task force that led to the suspect’s apprehension after 3,500 hours of work.

The specialized unit from the state criminal office assisted in the arrest, which involved a series of searches for further evidence related to the case. The man, who has resided in Magdeburg for several years, was presented to a judge and is now in pre-trial detention. Authorities continue to investigate the motive behind the shooting, with the police emphasizing the serious nature of the charges against him. More details about the investigation can be found in the report from

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