
Inklusion in der Neustadt: Rampentour für barrierefreien Zugang zu Läden und Restaurants

Barrier-free Dresden: Empowering Inclusion Through Ramps

Recently, a group of representatives from the Neustad(t)raum Initiative, the Association of People with Disabilities in the city of Dresden, and Neustadt advocate Peter Thormeyer gathered at Seidels Klosterbäckerei at 9 am. They embarked on a „Ramp Tour,“ led by Annett Heinich. Equipped with mobile ramps, individuals including wheelchair users aimed to assess the practicality of enabling access to shops, restaurants, cafes, or cultural venues with a maximum of two steps at the entrance.

Even a few centimeters high step can pose a significant barrier for wheelchair users without assistance. „Accessibility is a fundamental requirement for harmonious community living in the neighborhood,“ stated Heinich. While some athletic wheelchair users may conquer a step, an 8-centimeter step could halt a 150-kilogram electric wheelchair, beyond the help of store staff without a ramp.

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Increasing Accessibility Through Mobile Ramps

The Ramp Tour shed light on the lack of accessibility in many shops, eateries, and public places in Neustadt. Mobile ramps could provide a practical solution for enhanced accessibility for all. Heinich expressed hope for a positive response and willingness to lend, purchase, or create ramps. Several Neustadt establishments already feature such ramps, like the Martin-Luther-Platz hair salon, Ecke Nord on Nordstraße, and Tranquillo on the corner of Louisen-/Rothenburger Straße.

Heinich left the Ramp Tour with a favorable impression, noting the positive reactions received. „Vagabundobjects“ expressed significant interest, convincing Heinich that a ramp would soon be available there.

How to Rent a Mobile Ramp?

The Association of People with Disabilities Dresden e.V. facilitates the rental of ramps (further information). A small deposit grants access to a mobile ramp, provided the door is at least 75 centimeters wide and reachable via a maximum of two entrance steps. The ramps are funded through donations, including support from Jürries and Jang GmbH.

Available Funding Opportunities

The Social Specialist Funding Directive (available as a PDF on Dresden.de) can serve as the basis for financial support in acquiring mobile ramps and/or lifting devices.

Additionally, funding is available through city districts. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, associations, groups, initiatives, individuals, and public law entities working in the interest of Dresden or operating in the public welfare sector. Applications must be submitted to the Neustadt District Office by October 15, for consideration that year.

Under the „Barrier-Free Construction – Favorite Places for All“ funding program, project costs of up to 25,000 euros can be covered. Projects must commence and conclude within a grant year, be accessible to the public, and further details are available on dresden.de.

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