
500 Jahre Geistliches Gesangbüchlein: Torgau feiert musikalisches Erbe!

Feiern Sie 500 Jahre evangelische Chormusik mit einem spektakulären Gottesdienst in Torgau, wo die Mitglieder der Johann-Walter-Kantorei unter der Leitung von Christiane Bräutigam ein musikalisches Erbe von Martin Luther lebendig werden lassen – ein unvergessliches Event zur Feier des Glaubens und der Gemeinschaft!

In Torgau, a special church service commemorated the 500th anniversary of Johann Walter’s „Geistliches Gesangbüchlein,“ a pivotal publication in the Protestant Reformation. Released in 1524, this hymnbook featured multi-voiced choral settings of key Protestant hymns, with a preface penned by Martin Luther himself. The following year, Walter established the first Evangelical school and civic choir in Torgau, setting a precedent for Lutheran choral traditions that would flourish over the centuries. Today, around 340,000 singers participate in 18,500 choirs across Germany, highlighting the enduring impact of Walter’s contributions to church music.

During the service held at Torgau’s Stadtkirche St. Marien, the Johann-Walter-Kantorei performed a selection of both historical and contemporary choral works. The event was led by Kantorin Christiane Bräutigam, with a sermon delivered by Bettina Schlauraff, the Regional Bishop for the Magdeburg Diocese of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM). The liturgy was conducted by Pastor Christiane Schmidt, bringing together community members to honor a rich musical heritage that has played a significant role in spreading the Protestant faith. Details about the event can be found hier auf mdr.de.


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