Kriminalität und JustizMagdeburg

Schießerei in Fermersleben: Polizei auf der Suche nach flüchtigem Täter

Großeinsatz in Magdeburg: Schüsse auf Frau - Täter auf der Flucht

In Fermersleben, a district of Magdeburg, a major police operation unfolded on Monday morning. Police reports indicated that a 51-year-old woman was shot around 7:30 a.m., sustaining serious injuries. Residents also confirmed hearing gunshots in the morning. The suspect fled immediately after the incident, prompting a search effort. Multiple police vehicles arrived on the scene at Adolfstraße as law enforcement deployed numerous resources, including a police helicopter, drone, and search dogs, across Magdeburg. The area surrounding the crime scene was cordoned off for forensic examination.

Authorities provided a description of the suspect, urging the public to report any sightings promptly. Described as a male between 35 to 40 years old, approximately 1.60 meters tall, with short black, curly hair, and an East European appearance, wearing a black vest and dark pants. The police requested individuals to contact the emergency line 110 if they encounter a person matching the provided description. The investigation is ongoing, with updates provided periodically throughout the day.


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