
Intel-Baustopp in Magdeburg: Welche Folgen hat das für den SC Magdeburg?

Der Baustopp für die geplante Intel-Chipfabrik in Magdeburg hat dramatische Auswirkungen auf den Handball-Klub SC Magdeburg, dessen Sponsoring nun auf der Kippe steht, während SCM-Geschäftsführer Schmedt betont, dass die Unabhängigkeit des Vereins und die breite Sponsorensituation eine unmittelbare Krise verhindern könnten!

Intel’s major investment in Magdeburg has hit a snag, with the semiconductor giant announcing a two-year delay in the construction of its new chip factory. This development comes on the heels of Intel reporting significant financial losses and revealing plans to cut 15,000 jobs. The implications for the SC Magdeburg handball club, a sponsor of the company, are a hot topic. Marc-Henrik Schmedt, the club’s managing director, indicated that while the news was expected given recent reports, it does not currently impact their season planning.

Schmedt emphasized that SC Magdeburg has maintained a diverse range of sponsorships to avoid dependence on any one partner, including Intel. He reassured fans that even if the partnership with Intel were to dissolve, it would yield minimal direct consequences for the club. Out of their estimated 11 million euro budget, approximately 75% comes from a mix of partnerships, which cushions them against potential losses. Schmedt noted that the Intel sponsorship has always been short-term and that their broad network of over 650 partners ensures financial stability moving forward. For further details, siehe den Bericht auf

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