
Kämpferische Heldentaten: Till Ulenspiegels Kampf gegen die spanischen Besatzer

Im 16. Jahrhundert in der Provinz Flandern wird die Bevölkerung von den brutalen spanischen Besatzern unter der Herrschaft von Philipp II. misshandelt. One of the inhabitants in this tumultuous time is the jester Till Ulenspiegel, portrayed by Gérard Philipe, who, alongside his beloved Nele, played by Nicole Berger, becomes embroiled in a fight against oppression. The story takes a dramatic turn when Till’s father Claes, portrayed by Fernand Ledoux, is executed by the Spanish Inquisition, propelling Till into a fierce resistance against the occupiers and their governor, the Duke of Alba, played by Jean Vilar.

Using his wit and cunning, Till manages to infiltrate the Duke’s court as a jester, enabling him to uncover the nefarious plans of his enemies. As tensions rise, the Spanish Inquisition threatens to accuse the Prince of Orange, portrayed by Wilhelm Koch-Hooge, and the Flemish nobility of heresy for refusing to swear allegiance to the Spanish king. However, with Till’s intervention, a massacre is averted, and a coalition forms between the Prince of Orange’s troops, led by the valiant Stahlarm, portrayed by Erwin Geschonneck, and the rebellious Flemish forces, pushing back the Duke of Alba’s army.


This captivating and visually stunning adventure film, shot in 1956 across various European locations, marked the first of four co-productions between East Germany (DDR) and France. Notably, it served as a strategic move by DEFA, the East German film studio, to break through the political barriers that had hindered the distribution of their films during the Cold War. With a stellar cast, including renowned actors from the DEFA stable like Erwin Geschonneck and Elfriede Florin, the film showcases a monumental battle sequence featuring over 1,000 extras in authentic period costumes. The collaboration with the National People’s Army (NVA) for the elaborate battle scenes, including constructing an underwater bridge in the Mulde river, highlights the scale and ambition of this production.

The film’s creative team, including director Gérard Philipe and renowned cinematographer Christian Matras, captured the timeless story of Till Ulenspiegel with vibrancy and depth. Drawing inspiration from Charles de Coster’s novel „Die Geschichte von Ulenspiegel, Lamme Goedzak,“ the film presents a tale of courage, resilience, and the enduring spirit of resistance against tyranny. Through its compelling narrative and stellar performances, „Die Abenteuer des Till Ulenspiegel“ stands as a testament to the power of storytelling in shedding light on historical injustices and celebrating the triumph of the human spirit.

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