Halle (Saale)

Riese Gulliver erweckt Halle zum Leben: Magischer Sommerabend mit fantastischer Theaterperformance

Gulliver’s Visit: A Story of Unity and Wonder“

Amid the bustling streets of Halle, a rare spectacle unfolded on a summer evening that captivated the hearts of all who bore witness. The towering figure of Gulliver, brought to life through an intricate display of helium and puppetry, soared 22 meters high into the sky, creating an enchanting scene that had never been seen before. The city of Halle, known for its rich culture and vibrant community, shone brightly on this extraordinary night.

As the sun began to set, the streets came alive with a sense of anticipation. The Puppentheater Halle, with support from various funding sources, presented this grand event to celebrate Gulliver’s 70th birthday. Guided by the French Theater Company Plasticiens Volants, Gulliver’s journey unfolded in the heart of Halle, captivating audiences of all ages.

As Gulliver slowly took shape before the eyes of the onlookers, a sense of wonder and excitement filled the air. Children gleefully pointed and exclaimed, „Das ist ein Mensch!“ as the colossal figure emerged, embodying the spirit of adventure and curiosity. It was a moment of pure magic, uniting the community in a shared experience of joy and playfulness.

The theatrical performances by Plasticiens Volants added an extra layer of enchantment to the evening, captivating the crowd with their acrobatic displays and larger-than-life props. The giant fly that hovered over the market square, playfully interacting with the audience, added a whimsical touch to the festivities, leaving everyone in awe.

As Gulliver finally rose to his full height, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers. The opera choir sang „Halleluja!“ as Gulliver, with his red hair and friendly demeanor, towered over the city, inviting people to marvel at his presence. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the power of imagination and creativity.

Throughout the week, Gulliver will continue to delight audiences across various locations in the city, showcasing the magic of puppetry and storytelling. His adventures will culminate in a special performance at the Salinemuseum on June 22, offering the community one last chance to witness his marvels for free.

As the night drew to a close, the people of Halle walked hand in hand with Gulliver, weaving through the streets in a display of unity and camaraderie. It was a moment of sheer joy, a memory that would be cherished and shared for years to come.

Indeed, Gulliver’s visit to Halle was more than just a spectacle—it was a celebration of imagination, community, and the unshakeable spirit of wonder that unites us all.

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