
Feuerinferno auf dem Brocken: Waldbrandgefahr im Harz steigt!

Unerwartete Gefahr: Warum die Touristen auf dem Brocken festsaßen | Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Waldbrandfall

In Wernigerode, Sachsen-Anhalt, a wildfire broke out on the Brocken in the Harz mountains, the same location where a significant portion of the forest burned down previously. This event caused distress for many tourists and hikers on the 1st of May, leaving them stranded on the 1142-meter-high mountain. The operation of the famous steam locomotive was suspended due to the fire.

Around 130 firefighters, along with the crew of a chartered firefighting aircraft, are working to contain the blaze from the air. Visitors already at the summit or staying at the Brockenhotel had to wait it out or traverse the long journey down to the valley on foot. Many gathered near the lookout platform to witness the smoke and smell of the fire.

Due to the fire, all passenger traffic between the Schierke and Brocken stations of the Brocken Railway was suspended for at least the entire Wednesday. Instead of passengers, the train was used to transport firefighting water, as explained by National Park Chief Roland Pietsch. Shuttle buses were later deployed in the afternoon to transport guests.

The area affected by the wildfire on a 100 by 100-meter area is now under control, according to the Integrated Control Center Harz. However, due to the presence of dangerous hotspots that could reignite the blaze, authorities anticipate prolonged extinguishing operations. Wernigerode’s Mayor Tobias Kascha commended the rapid response of all parties involved in handling the situation.

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