
Das Geheimnis des Wiedergänger-Grabes von Oppin enthüllt!

Das Rätsel des Wiedergänger-Grabs von Oppin: Eine historische Sensation in Sachsen-Anhalt

In Oppin, Sachsen-Anhalt, researchers made a startling discovery of an ancient and eerie grave, shedding light on the fear of the undead. The grave, dating back 4200 years, was identified as a „Wiedergänger-Grab“ or a revenant’s grave. This term refers to individuals believed to return from the dead. The ancient belief that burying undesired individuals under heavy objects such as large stones to prevent their return was prevalent during the medieval era, particularly in times of the plague.

The excavated grave in Oppin contained the remains of an adult male, estimated to be between 40 to 60 years old. The individual was found lying on his left side with bent legs, facing east. A large stone measuring approximately one meter in length, 50 centimeters in width, and 10 centimeters in height was placed horizontally over his shins. This practice of weighty burial was believed to deter the deceased from resurfacing and roaming the earth.

Archaeologists speculate that the deceased may have been unloved or suffered from a severe illness, prompting the community to take precautionary measures against his possible return. The man is believed to have belonged to the Bell Beaker culture, although further dating analysis is required for confirmation. Notably, this discovery marks the first instance of a Wiedergänger-Grab from this period in Central Germany.

The project leader and archaeologist, Susanne Friederich, highlighted the ancient fear of revenants, emphasizing the use of magical rituals to prevent their reanimation. In some cases, bodies were interred face down to impede their escape, with additional measures such as lancing them to immobilize their movements. The findings underscore the deep-rooted dread of the undead in ancient societies.

The excavation of the Wiedergänger-Grab in Oppin was conducted in preparation for the expansion of the SuedOstLink high-voltage direct current transmission line. This section, spanning approximately 150 kilometers through Sachsen-Anhalt, is undergoing extensive archaeological exploration until 2025. The broader 540-kilometer route connects Wolmirstedt to the Isar site near Landshut, Bavaria, representing a crucial infrastructure project intertwined with significant historical revelations.

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Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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